What focus is, how it affects your business results, and where to focus your attention for the growth you want.
Here’s the full-on truth: If you’re focused on the wrong stuff, in business or in relation to your goals, you’re not going to grow your business and you’re not going to reach your goals.
In this video, I’ll help you understand what focus is from a brain standpoint, how it relates to your thoughts, and how that affects your business results.
You’ll walk away with a clearer idea of what you should be focusing on if you want growth and want to reach your goals.
You know I talk a lot about how your thoughts create your results.
But I also see a lot of people who might be having the right thoughts but are focused on the wrong thing. So they end up creating the wrong results, results that are different from what they want or they don’t create results at all.
A thought is simply a phrase or a sentence, a string of words that runs through your head.
Focus is a topic or area where your brain is giving attention. Then, your brain directs a whole bunch of thoughts there.
Unfortunately, the default focus areas of your brain aren’t usually aligned with business growth.
So we have to re-train our brains to pay attention to what is important to us.
You can’t be in control of everything in your life or business, but you CAN control what you focus on.
The first step is noticing what it is you are focusing on right now. Many people aren’t even aware of where their attention is. They’re going with the default.
When you have the combination of awareness of your current focus and awareness that you have a choice of what your brain focuses on, you can start to redirect it.
Watch the full video to go deeper and get specific examples you can use to start re-training your brain right now.
We’re covering:
- What focus is – from a brain standpoint
- The relationship between thoughts and focus
- How to re-wire your brain (and change your focus)
- The biggest focus mistakes I see in my clients
- What you should focus on for the biggest growth towards your goals
You’ll get to see a little live coaching at the end, too.
And if you want more tips and tools to reach your goals, subscribe to my email list >>> You’ll get inspiration and strategies straight to your inbox!