A Vision Board is more than aspirations and pretty pictures. When done right, a Vision Board is a powerful tool that guides you to your most extraordinary life.

– Libby Bryant

Want to make the most of 2024 but don't know where to start?


- My Magical Vision Board Process -

Image of digital product with Libby's photos and vision board mockups


Don't go one more day without this life-changing workshop

I've made my fair share of vision boards over my lifetime, but the way Libby teaches and approaches it made this one so helpful.
- Allie

If you've never done a vision board before, this will change the game.
If you're a seasoned vision boarder, the process will blow your mind.


Hundreds have taken this workshop
See what they're saying...

My vision truly came to life!

VTR 23 Kathrin3

This is the first time I had a vision come through this way. I was like, “No, this is not possible.”

It’s a random picture the photographer shot, and I just can’t comprehend how insanely similar they are.

Just a thank you for this workshop and all that you do!

– Kathrin

The vibrant community I wanted to build

VTR 23 Elisa4

The first graphic is a pic from my vision board for 2023, imagining the vibrant community I wanted to build.

And the second is my overflowing gratitude board filled with all my Patrons from this year 🙌”

– Elisa

It sincerely works

This workshop is amazing. This will be my 3rd or 4th year…I LOVE IT, because it sincerely works.

Plus, Libby is ah-mazing!!

– Ashley


I was flown on a tiny 8 person plane to Martha’s Vineyard, where I am staying in an ADORABLE room with a patio at a luxury ocean front resort.

I’m having lunch and a cocktail by the pool, then I’m going to walk on the beach and explore the town before getting picked up for a private dinner at an estate with a personal chef.

I’m giving a presentation tomorrow on luxury marketing. I’m being paid for this, and all my expenses are being taken care of.

There is a pic on my vision board of an ocean window view – and I have an ocean window view. 



Have the kind of year that changes your life. Start your 2024 Vision Board now.

Image of digital product with Libby's photos and vision board mockups


*Currently on sale for $55


The approach goes beyond surface-level desires and taps into what you’re truly seeking. It is grounded in creative principles, brain science, and goal-setting philosophies.

We recognize that your emotions are a key to your success and that you can use those emotions as a tool to map your images in a way you’ve never done before.

Once you purchase, you’ll have access to this version for life.

The workshop is designed to be done a little bit at a time – about 20 minutes a day over 5 days. Total time for most people is 1-2 hours to complete all the lessons.