Last month I started a new monthly series with mood board inspiration. If you missed it, go check out that first mood board and here about my inspiration and intentions for the series.
This month I thought I’d do an all gold mood board. One, because gold is amazing. And two, because over the past few years I’ve found a lot of branding clients wanting to infuse more gold into their overall style.
When it comes to creating a signature style (whether it’s for your biz or personal life) it’s all about having a clear vision and being selective about what you choose to add to your life and how.
For example, I started with twice as many things on this gold board, but edited them down to get at the essence of what I was going for. Do you love this sexy gold vibe?
Want to infuse more sexy geometric gold vibes into your life? If this look speaks to you, maybe it’s the beginning of your own Signature Style. Try experimenting with adding pieces that evoke this vibe into your life and see how you feel. Here are some favorite finds to get you started:
I’d love to hear what you think of this month’s gold mood board in the comments. Do you love it as much as I do?
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